Media Contacts:
Christopher Wood LGBT Technology Partnership Denise Spivak CenterLink

LGBT Technology Partnership and CenterLink Announce 2014 LGBT Center Technology Webinar Series
WASHINGTON, DC, February 27, 2014 – The LGBT Technology Partnership and CenterLink announce a yearlong series of webinars geared specifically for LGBT Centers around technology. This series is built to cover a variety of technology topics crucial to the daily operation, continued stability and growth of LGBT centers at all levels. Technology in LGBT centers has played an important role in the grassroots organization of LGBT communities and the ability of those communities to support each other regardless of geographic locations, age or background. “The LGBT Technology Partnership is proud to be partnering with CenterLink on this webinar series to provide crucial information to LGBT centers about technology and the policies that govern it,” said LGBT Technology Partnership Executive Director, Christopher Wood. “Connecting, supporting and enhancing the local LGBT community is crucial to the mission of LGBT centers and technology plays an important role in that connection.” “This is such an important program and we are excited to be able to provide these webinars to our members,” added CenterLink CEO Terry Stone. “LGBT community centers serve over 1.7 million people a year, and most provide online resources and referrals. CenterLink is delighted to be working with The LGBT Technology Partnership on this. Our hope is that the information provided via the webinar series will help to advance our centers, address their questions and challenges, and, ultimately, enhance the connections that our centers have with each other and their communities.” The series will cover social media, mHealth, fundraising, privacy, security, and tech policy updates among other important topics. Additional information can be found on both CenterLink’s ( and LGBT Technology Partnership’s ( websites.
About CenterLink: CenterLink was founded in 1994 as a member-based coalition to support the development of strong, sustainable LGBT community centers. Serving over 200 LGBT community centers across the country in 46 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, as well as centers in Canada, Mexico, China, Cameroon and Australia, the organization plays an important role in supporting the growth of LGBT centers and addressing the challenges they face, by helping them to improve their organizational and service delivery capacity and increase access to public resources. ( About LGBT Technology Partnership: The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Technology Partnership encourages the continued early adoption and use of cutting-edge, new and emerging technologies by providing information, education and strategic outreach for LGBT communities. We are a national, nonpartisan group of LGBT organizations, academics and high technology companies whose mission is to engage with critical technology and public policy leaders for strategic discussions at all levels. The Partnership empowers LGBT communities and individuals, and ensures that media, telecommunications and high technology issues of specific concern to LGBT communities are addressed in public policy conversations.
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